What's inside of your locs?

July 15, 2021

What's that smell? It might be your locs... did you know that you can still get buildup even if you don't use products? The dead skin cells and oils from your scalp, mixed with sweat and any other environmental debris can cause a film to build up on the inside of your locs, which is particularly prominent when the hair is wet. If you add products on top of that, you will eventually have to detox, especially if they are not water soluble. Have you ever noticed a white film on your locs on wash day? Or maybe right after getting out of the pool... Here's a quick test you can do. Take one of your locs and squeeze it (as if you were wringing out a towel) if a whitish, grey goop oozes out, you most definitely have build up!

Good news for you! It's really easy to manage. I personally recommend all my clients do a deep detox twice a year. This is also referred to as an Apple Cider Vinger Soak, or ACV rinse with baking soda and lemon juice. 

The ACV balances the pH of your hair and scalp, and the chemical reaction with the baking soda helps lift the stubborn dirt out from the inside of your locs and brings it to the surface, hence making it easier to wash out. The lemon not only smells good, but it is a natural cleansing agent adding to that squeaky clean feel of your locs! 

My recipe:

Inflatable Loc Detox Basin: https://amzn.to/2VL0Xmu

Fill halfway with warm water

1 cup of ACV
1/2 cup of baking soda

1 lemon

Soak, then cleanse!

*pro tip* do not fill your basin up past the first line. Your entire back will be soaked!