Ingredients For The Perfect Washday!

May 22, 2021

It's wash day! All you need is a good shampoo, a moisturizing conditioner, your favorite oil, and a blowdryer, yes... a blowdryer.  I'll explain. But first, my top favorite shampoos and conditioners are: Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Lavender Mint Shampoo and Keracare Humecto conditioner.

Now, back to what I've promised. I am known for using interesting tools during the loc grooming process... but all within good reason. If you have locs, more than likely you have experience LONG wait times under a traditional dryer. But have you ever experienced the convenience of using a Soft Bonnet Dryer? It is a blowdryer attachment that rests gently over your locs, distributing the warm air evenly, and drying the locs at a faster rate!  It has been a game changer for my clients and I. 

Happy Washing!